Ard Scoil na nDéise
Convent Road, Dungarvan
County Waterford, Ireland

Tel: (058) 41464

"Reaching our Potential with Respect, Care and Friendship"

Our Dancing Queen, Law Day

17th April 2012

Our Dancing Queen

Leaving Cert student Charlotte Govier was recently accepted into the Penny Meekings Teacher Training College in Hertfordshire, England. She already holds teaching qualifications in Ballet, Modern and Tap dance, and will further her skills with this next step.

 Charlotte Govier with Mr Tommy Collins and her Tutor Mrs Norma O'Driscoll.

Charlotte currently teaches little ballerinas in the Yoga Essence Studio, and even has had her pupils appear with her on the Ard Scoil stage for pantomimes! Indeed she has contributed greatly with her time and expertise for all school shows. Charlotte has also performed in the Theatre Royal in Waterford, has appeared in many various shows and attends the Firkin Crane Dance School in Cork.

Following her studies, she hopes to return to Ireland and open her very own dance school, so as to introduce many different genres of dance to Dungarvan.

A big congratulations to this hard working and determined young lady.

Law Day

On Tuesday, March 29th, the T.Y. students participated in a “Law Day”. Two barristers from Cork, Karen and Niamh, visited us to talk about a career in Law.

At first, they told us about the basics of law and how barristers and solicitors work. (And we got to see the infamous robe and wig!)

Then, after small lunch, we watched a film "A Time to Kill" starring Matthew McConaughy and Samuel L. Jackson to see what a real trial looks like and how it functions.

After lunch, gathering all the information we had learned throughout the day, a mock trial was held. Both classes enjoyed the case of Bob "Jaws" Murphy and the day in general.

Ciara Gildea





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Ard Scoil na nDéise
Convent Road, Dungarvan
County Waterford, Ireland
Tel: (058) 41464
Fax: (058) 44801

  © Ard Scoil na nDéise. All Rights Reserved.